Monday, November 30, 2009

Companies urged to reward workers who have performed well

Companies urged to reward workers who have performed well

SINGAPORE: Manpower Minister Gan Kim Yong has urged companies to reward workers who have performed well.

And he said many employers are in favour of some form of payout to retain good workers.

As an example, Mr Gan highlighted the modest one-off year-end payment of 0.25 month, capped at S$750 for civil servants.

Mr Gan said: "I think we all understand that the economic outlook for next year still remains uncertain. In fact, that is what we already expected. For those that can afford (it), with very positive business outlook, they should consider giving some recognition, which could take the form of a one-time payment."

Mr Gan was speaking to reporters at the sidelines of a community event in Keat Hong constituency on Sunday.

On the recently-announced Employment Assistance Programme, Mr Gan stressed that the scheme - which requires companies to pay their older workers if they cannot rehire them after retirement - is "not an easy way out" for companies to get rid of their older workers.

The scheme is part of guidelines for companies to put in place re-employment measures, ahead of legislation in 2012.

Mr Gan said: "We recognise that companies' situations differ from one another, especially companies already facing financial difficulties, business challenges, some of them will not have the positions for the older workers. And in such a situation, we have to find a way to help older workers to find new employment." - CNA/ms
By Hoe Yeen Nie/Seet Sok Hwee, Channel NewsAsia | Posted: 29 November 2009 2313 hrs

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